The Dominican Republic is known as the land of some of the finest cigars. So it`s natural to include a cigar lounge in any tour. Not to mention that bachelor parties always feature the guys holding cigars, if only for the photo op. Sosua has cigar shops in El Batey, though not all are really equipped with dedicated humidor rooms and a genuine cigar selection of original brands of both the DR and Cuba. For our customers we will feature what we consider the top choices when it comes to cigar lounges: Vivonté in Puerto Plata and Cubano Café in Sosua.
The Vivonté cigar lounge in Puerto Plata.
Our second feature is Cubano Café in Sosua, one of the oldest and most respected cigar stores in town. Founded in the mid 1990`s by two Cuban friends, it soon became a landmark in Sosua with its North American style restaurant and Café. Its cigar collection evolved into local and international brands such as Davidoff, Macanudo, Fuentes, Cohiba, Pride, Leon Jimenez, Romeo & Julieta and many more known to most aficionados.
The humidor at Cubanos is totally walkable, and the Café includes a covered terrace and complete bar. Recently, a cigar lounge was added and the store expanded. Those with expensive taste will find all major brands here, so expect a higher price tag. Cubanos is located at #12 Pedro Clisante Street in El Batey, Sosua. On the web:
SBP offers tours to both cigar stores with access to the cigar lounges. A tour with a brief introduction into the cigar world is also available to those interested in learning more about the cigar world. Visitors can learn about the top brands, how to rate a cigar, what it is made of and general information on Dominican and Cuban production. Cigar nights events will be posted in the events guide of this website.